'I tried Royal Marines Press Up Test The Potential Royal Marines Course, often abbreviated to PRMC, is the Royal Marines selection course for Potential Recruits. The course is held at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, and is designed to assess a candidate\'s suitability for entry into the Royal Marines. Pressups are carried out immediately after the bleep test. A maximum score of 5 points is achieved for 60 press-ups are conducted to an audible bleep. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potential_Royal_Marine_Course ++++++++++++++++++++++ イギリス海兵入学の適合性を評価するテスト項目の一つ, 腕立て伏せ ビープ音直後に腕立て伏せを実施し, 60回行うと最大の5ポイントが追加されます ※やり直します... 胸をテニスボールか拳一つ分まで下げないとNGらしいので;; ++++++++++++++++++++++ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@nakabata1n ++++++++++++++++++++++ #Pushupchallenge #RoyalMarinesPressUpTest #pushups #pushup #fitchallenge #Burpee #fitness #workouts #workout #pushupchallenge #plankchallenge #イギリス海兵隊腕立て伏せ #プッシュアップ #プランクチャレンジ #プランク #筋トレ #腕立て#トレーニング #有酸素運動'
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SEE ALSO: bodyweight , golf training , golf exercises , free , movement , Fitness Tracker , Posing , routine , booty , physical exercise